
Products (or sometimes referred to as Financial Products) represent the various types of Accounts that customers can create. When creating an account, you have to specify a Product Type and Asset Type. The combination of these two determines how the account works and features it supports.

We support 2 types of products today

  1. Deposit products - DEPOSIT_BASIC
  2. Payment products - PAYMENT_BASIC

All the products are supported by regulated entities, such as Rail, banks, trusts, qualified custodians, money transmitters, licensed exchanges.

Deposit Products

Deposit products are used to hold, buy, sell, deposit, withdraw digital assets. All assets are held at qualified custody partners today such as banks, trusts.

Deposit products support all of the assets listed on the Assets guide.

Payment Products

Payments products are used to generate invoices, deposit addresses, accept crypto payments from multiple payors into a single account and automatically attributed to the payor. Crypto funds can then auto-traded into fiat and settled into a Fiat Deposit Account. The funds can also be auto-wired to an external counterparty.

All assets are held at qualified custody partners today such as banks, trusts.

Payment products support all of the assets listed on the Assets guide.

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